Saturday, 30 October 2010

7 - Healing Wounds, Feeding People.

A man enters stage left with a kettle and a pan, 6 eggs and a hot plate.
Man proceeds to boil eggs in amongst a small crowd.
A girl enters, finds a table and spreads a deck of ominous looking cards across the glass.
A second girl, then a third enter. One holding a bunch of bananas, the other a sheet of Blu-Tac.
A second man enters stage left, puts down his hat and satchel and proceeds to give a lecture on the merits of beekeeping.
By now, a small crowd has gathered to watch all this taking place. The man with the eggs, now boiled, is removing the film located betwixt the shell and the fleshy bit. The girl with the bananas is handing out special ball point pens. A family of Blu-Tac animals have appeared on a table in the centre of the room.
Enter stage right, a boy is dressed as me. Same hair, shirt and spectacles. His friend is my friend, same hair, shirt and no spectacles. My friend is measuring everything.
On the floor is a man folding polo shirts.
Then dinner was over, and everyone went back to work.

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